Kyle : wtf do you use that chip for?
Kyle : bomb warning device?
Dr Tune: no it's to launch a retaliatory nuclear attack
Dr Tune: you hook the active low *NED output (via a fet) to the ignition system on yr ICBM
Dr Tune: optionally you could have a toggle switch or something
Dr Tune: 4 safeness
Kyle : well at least it triggers on a detonation and not just spotting something in the air
Dr Tune: yeah I wonder how they do production testing
Dr Tune: chips prolly veh expensive
Dr Tune: anyway
Dr Tune: comedic, and I love it just has pin 2 as essentially *NUKE
Kyle : lol yeah
Dr Tune: maybe hook it up to a piezo buzzer or something, so if you don't notice that you've just been nuked, it'll let you know
Kyle : yeah i was thinking its probably part of some sensor network to notify the pentagon or something
Kyle : immediately adjust the defcon level
Kyle : or i guess its not defcon anymore
Dr Tune: ya someone in pentagon has haxored up an arduino
Kyle : go to purple alert or something
Dr Tune: well only what 5 defcons
Dr Tune: so can use an attiny