Bug in TinySidPlay 0.94
The linux source for this version comes with a .CPP version and a separate .C version (the latter is what the makefile uses). There's a couple of glaring bugs in the 6510 emu which means it can't play several bits of music, e.g. Martin Galway's stuff. This is fixed in the CPP version but it's hard to spot;
the error is in the "CPX" and "CPY" instruction emulations in sidengine.c;
at both "case cpx:" and " case cpy:" (around line 950ish) the "setflags(FLAG_C, a >= bval);" is setting the carry flag based on comparing with A not X, so change it to
setflags(FLAG_C, x >= bval);
..same with "cpy" just below it, change to
setflags(FLAG_C, y >= bval);
and workie!